Perfect Meditation

Perfecting the Mind with Meditation
as taught by Zen Master Rama – Dr. Frederick Lenz

"Meditation is mind perceiving itself as mind, without qualities. That’s perfect meditation. It’s simply perfect mind. The practice of meditation is emptying the mind. When the mind is empty, completely empty, it’s perfect meditation. It’s really that simple. There are a variety of different approaches to emptying the mind. All of them work equally well. We can just stay with one; we can use a number of them. It really doesn’t matter; it’s a question of personal choice. What we’re doing is stopping thought. But really, before that, we’re learning to control thought. And really, before that, we’re learning just to sit down and focus on something."
Zen Master Rama

How to Meditate Perfectly?

Zen Master Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz says, “All you need to do to meditate perfectly is to eliminate everything from mind that has a quality, and when there’s only mind, it falls back on itself and there’s no perception of other—which is why in true meditation there’s no perception. There can’t be perception.

“If you’re meditating and there’s a sense of the passage of time, if there’s the sense of otherness, of self—even if there’s no thought and there’s a sense of anything—you’re not meditating perfectly. There are still some qualities in the mind and you’ve got to get rid of them. You’ve got to breathe out more. When there’s no perception, the mind is perfect—in its perfect state. It’s not confused. So meditation is simply the elimination of everything.”


Excerpt from Rama’s talk The Awareness of Meditation from the Tantric Buddhism Talk Series

Focus and Meditation – Rama (Dr. Frederick Lenz)

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