How to Meditate

Beginner Chakra Meditation Techniques
as taught by Zen Master Rama – Dr. Frederick Lenz

The Purpose of Meditation: Stop Thought

Zen Master Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz taught that the goal of meditation is to stop thought. When you stop thought completely, all that’s left is a direct experience of reality as it is. In order to get to this point in meditation, it is helpful to start with single-pointed focus meditation and to practice daily. Over time, your thoughts will gradually start to drop away and you will be able to enter into more advanced states of meditation.



Your daily meditation routine:


  1. Choose a spot and create a meditation altar
  2. Plan to meditate at least for 15 minutes
  3. Sit with a straight back
    1. You can sit cross legged on the floor or on a yoga pillow
    2. You can sit on a chair, too
  4. Focus on these Chakras one by one:
    1. Navel
    2. Heart
    3. Third Eye
  5. Practice Daily
    It is best to meditate twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. It is easiest to meditate at the time of sunrise and sunset.

Meditation Music & Practicing Meditation

Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz recommends meditating to music and focusing on a chakra. This makes meditation much easier. If you are new to meditation, it’s best to gradually work your way up to longer sessions so that meditation is not a frustrating experience. In the beginning, try doing just 15 minutes a day in the morning. Once that becomes easy, do 30 minutes a day. Then, twice a day. Continue to build up your practice until you are doing 1 hour twice a day.

Chakra Meditation Technique

Zen Master Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz says, “On the short path of Buddhism, we practice chakra meditation. Chakras are energy centers of the body that connect you to different dimensions.

The navel chakra connects you to dimensions of power. Focusing on that chakra empowers you and increases your energy and personal power.

The heart center connects you to dimensions of universal love and compassion and by focusing on it you increase your capacity to receive and give love.

The third eye connects you to dimensions of seeing, intuition, and dreaming, and by focusing on that you align yourself with the higher purpose of your life.

By focusing on these three chakras you create a very balanced practice that encompasses power, love, and seeing.”


Three main chakras to focus on:


1. Navel – Located just below your belly button. This corresponds to your will power, to your personal power.

2. Heart – Located in the center of your chest. If you point at yourself with your index finger as you’re saying “Me”, you will land on the location. This energy center corresponds to balance, compassion, joy and love.

3. Third eye – Located in between your eyebrows. This energy center corresponds to wisdom, discrimination and psychic seeing.

Meditation Music

Music provides a kind of auric blanket and can make meditation much easier. Rama recommends beginning with a three-song meditation and focusing on one chakra per song. The first song on the navel, second on the heart, and third on the third eye.

“What’s happening as you listen to each song – the first song for the navel center, the second for the heart center, and the third for the third eye – is you are bringing the kundalini up through concentration. The chakras are doorways to different dimensions, to different planes of enlightenment. As you hold your attention on them, the kundalini energy at the base of the spine will gradually rise – first to the navel center, then to the heart center, then to the third eye.” – Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz

You can find music for meditation produced by Rama at the Zazen Music Channel on YouTube or on the RMS music resource page.

Tips for a strong meditation

Don’t eat too much

Avoid eating much before you meditate. Your body will feel heavy. It’s like eating a lot before you exercise. The energy in your body goes straight to your stomach to begin breaking down your food.

Take a shower or wash-up

Take a shower or wash your face before you meditate. This will help clear away energy from the dream plane (if you’re meditating in the morning) and energy that’s picked up throughout the day (if you’re meditating at night).

Disconnect from your phone

Disconnect your phone and other media before you meditate – everyone always seems to call you when you start to meditate. Put on the music and listen.

Let go of expectations


Don’t have any expectations for what should happen during your meditation. If you take the time to sit down to meditate, that choice already means you are making progress.

Don’t judge your meditation

Don’t have any expectations for what should happen during your meditation. If you take the time to sit down to meditate, that choice already means you are making progress.

How to Meditate – Rama (Dr. Frederick Lenz)

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