
Inspiring books and recordings from the profound teachings of Zen Master Rama, to ignite your meditation practice

Book cover of American Buddhist Rebel - Autobiography of Zen Master Rama

Books About Rama’s Life and Teachings

To learn more about Zen Master Rama’s fascinating life and teaching work, please read his award-winning biography called American Buddhist Rebel by Liz Lewinson and visit Frederick Lenz Biography.

Zen Master Rama’s students’ perspective on his teachings includes: 

Zen Master Rama Talks or Recorded Teachings

A free library of Zen Master Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz’s talks about American Buddhism, meditation and enlightenment is available for free download at the Rama Meditation Society – Talks Page.

More beautiful sites about Rama’s recorded teachings:

Zen Master Rama Dragon

Rama Meditation Society 

Within the Rama Meditation Society website, you will find the complete library of teachings of American Buddhism by Zen Master Rama — Dr. Frederick Lenz. The site offers numerous ways of exploring, learning and sharing higher spiritual awareness.

Zazen Enlightenment by Zen Master Rama Album Cover

Meditation Music

Zen Master Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz with his band, Zazen, produced music specifically for meditation.

Listen and download Zazen meditation music for free, and see beautiful videos of Zazen Music.

Zazen Enlightenment by Zen Master Rama Album Cover

Meditation Teachers

Study with a direct student of Zen Master Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz.

Find a teacher from a list of teachers offering free meditation classes around the world.

    The Art of Meditation with Zen Master Rama

    To learn more about Zen Master Rama’s teachings please visit these additional sites: 

    Dr. Frederick Lenz, Rama – Learn to Meditate →

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