
Diving into Samadhi
as taught by Zen Master Rama – Dr. Frederick Lenz

“Beyond the world of thought and sensorial impressions, there are planes and dimensions of perfect light, knowledge, and radiant perfection. These worlds of light are what we experience naturally when our thoughts are stopped. This is also known as Samadhi – pure awareness, perfect mind. To get to this point in meditation, we begin by practicing slowing down our thoughts and increasing our focus. As we advance, our thoughts eventually start to drop away and we experience infinite awareness.”
Zen Master Rama

What is Samadhi?

“Think of meditation as a summer night. The crickets are chirping, life is going on, with or without us, within or without us. Life is going on, on the stage of life in front of our eyes and senses. In the house next door that we may not be aware of, life is going on—in countries other than our own, in worlds other than ours, distant galaxies. Life exists in the sub-atomic regions, in the quasars. Life is all there is. That’s meditation.” said Zen Master Rama, Dr. Frederick Lenz.

“Samadhi means that you lose your individual awareness as a person. You no longer have a name and address you’re no longer in this world at all. There’s no sense of the earth time, space, past history, future possibilities…all of that goes away. All of that is completely erased. You dissolve, but in your dissolution you become something, you become God, you become eternity and there is a sense, not in the human sense, not in the way of thinking I’m God or I’m eternity.

“You are the all-pervasive existence that existence has an awareness which cannot be described in words. That is Salvikalpa Samadhi. In other words, you are no longer drinking the water, you jumped in the water and dissolved in it and now you have the sense not as you did as a human being, not through thought or understanding but there is an awareness that permeates all of eternity and that is what you are.”


Excerpt from Rama’s talk The Non‑Doing of Meditation from the Insights Talk Series

Samadhi and The Superconscious States – Rama (Dr. Frederick Lenz)

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